Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Bakti Desa

Bakti Desa is a kind of annual program for 11 grader students which exists in my school, 3 Bandung Senior High School. Bakti Desa is an activity which lead us to know how the villager do their daily activities by living at their home for 3 Days 2 Night.

Thursday, 23 October 2014.

Preparation before going to the location
The day came, at 06.00 a.m. we had already in school’s front park. When I arrived, many of my friends had been there. I talked a little with my friends, then I went to the toilet before entering the Angkot (a kind of Indonesian public transportation) which had been booked by 3 Bandung Senior High School.  We were separated, because the angkot which has to take my classmates and I, was so full. Some of my friends move to the other angkot, cause there were no space left in our angkot.

Along the road
We left 3 Bandung Senior High School at 07.00 a.m. Angkot which took us were angkot with Jurusan Lembang. Many people looked at us because maybe they were a little bit confused, angkot jurusan Lembang should not go to the direction that our angkot went to. We went to Resmi Tingal District, Kecamatan Kertasari, Bandung City. I was in the front side of the angkot with my friend, Quin. We were talking about many things and enjoyed the trip. But on the road we found roads that had been repairing, so we had to pass the traffic jump cause of the road repairing, the road is only could be passed with one direction. Along the road, we passed the (rusak) road, it was a little bit annoying but yeah I tried to enjoy the trip.

At 10.00 a.m. we arrived at Balai Desa Resmi Tingal (Resmi Tingal Village Hall). We started to carry our stuffs and bags, then we walked to the seats which had been prepared.  The headmasters, teachers, and some of students were inside the room, but some of us couldn’t enter the room because it was too full, so we just sat outside the Balai Desa. After a very long welcoming speech, we finally could take the food. We stood in line then one by one took the foods that had been served by the villager.

Looking for our home
Maybe at 02.00 p.m. we started to go, looking for the villager’s home which had been managed to be our home for days. It took a long time, because the villager who guided us was confused, too many person with similar names and we had to go down stair and up stair to find their home, we were very tired.

Found the home
Finally, after a very tired journey for searching the home, my friends and I could be took a rest in Mr. Toni’s home. Student who lived in Mr. Toni’s home were Adin, Quin, and I. When we came home, neither Mr. Toni or Mrs. Toni was not there, Mr. Toni was gardening while Mrs. Toni was still in Village Hall. So, there were only one of their family with her child. She was very nice for welcoming us, she served tea and some meals, then let us took a rest.

Mr. Toni’s family
Maybe at 3.00 p.m. Mrs. Toni was coming, we were talking about little things, and not long after that Mr. Toni and his son come. We had a little talk. Mr. Toni’s family home didn’t have any bathroom, so we went to their family’s home to take a bath. We met our friends, who lived in one of Mr. Toni’s family’s home, there were Pet, Putri, and Nahla. We talked a little then, when I went outside from their home, I met Bela, Aldza, and Eka. Because I really interested to play in the village, so, Quin and I went to their house, while Adin came back to Pet’s house.

Outdoor Activity
In their home, there lived Mrs. Tati (BK Teacher in 3 Bandung Senior High School). Mrs. Tati wanted us to help her for making parcel, as the gifts for the villagers whom their home was lived by us. We made the parcels then we took a photo, the photo was saved by Mrs. Wiwin, I don’t have the file. The sun slowly went down, we ate the foods cooked by Mrs. Tati, then we went to the nearest mosque to pray ashar, we had a discussion, and planned to have an interaction with the villager, but Quin went home, because she was tired.

First night in Resmi Tingal Village
I still at Bela’s home, I helped them to send the parcels, then Mrs. Tati asked me to fill the absence, so, I filled the absence. I was not sleeping yet, so I decided to bring the absence list and go to all of my friend’s home, so they can easily filled it. When I came to one of my friends home, I met my boy classmates, and they took the absence list, so that I could go home, because it was already 11.00 p.m. because it was a very cold night, we tried to warm our body, at 11.30 p.m. my classmates and I made ‘api unggun’ to warm us, we took a photo than we went back to the home at 00.00 a.m.

Friday, 24 October, 2014

Preparation before gardening
I woke up at 04.30 a.m. then I tried to wake my friends up, but maybe they were so sleepy so I let them asleep, I went to the mosque alone, then I took a wudhu there, but I chose to pray at home. After I finished praying shubuh, my friends woke up. We took a bath then prepared for gardening.

We went to the garden at 08.00 a.m. it was not too far, but yeah we had to pass so many dangerous road,  we went down, again and again, it was very hard to keep the balance, cause sometimes we had to jump up, passed the rocks, and we were afraid for getting slipped. We took off our shoes because it was so hard to pass the wet soil, and also to keep our shoes clean.
Finally we arrived on the hut. We washed our hands than had a breakfast, it was a very delicious breakfast. Mrs. Toni cooked potato with her own recipe, I had never tasted the delicious potato like that. Then, we started gardening! We looked for caterpillar inside the ‘Bawang Daun’. We were confused, how to find a caterpillar inside the bawang daun, without cutting the bawang daun, but Mrs. Toni taught us how to find it, so we can easily found the caterpillars.
It was a very sunny noon, we were tired. We decided to go home, but we washed our feet and hands first, then we took a rest for a moment, we took some pictures, yeah it was a very beautiful scenery, we could see the mountains, forests, rivers, gardens, so wonderful! Then we climbed up soon.

Interraction with the kids
We took a bath then I decided to play outside, I introduced myself to the kids there, but they were very shy, so they run away when I tried to ask their name.  Quin, Yaritsa, and I decided to go to the mosque, we wanted to know the activity there. We were reading the holy qur’an with the kids there and with an ustadz. Then, we had a little discussions with the teens there, they were junior high school graders, they were nice, but yeah the villagers there were very shy, sometimes they just smiling, laughing or just keeping their silence, when we asked something.

The second night in Resmi Tingal Village
I was so tired, so that night Iwas just stayed at home, talked to Mrs. Toni and Mr.Toni, watched TV, then I felt asleep.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Interraction with the teens
Same as the days before, we took a bath, had a breakfast, and prepared for everything. My classmates and I met the teens there, we looked their performance of playing rebana (a kind of arabic music instrumentals), we also tried to play it, but yeah it was a little bit hard, but it was a fun activity I think.

Interraction with the villagers
In the noon, Quin and I informed the villagers to come to the mosque. We wanted to give them a little bit information about healthy lifestyle and so on, Kang Dito helped us to make that forum. The villagers who come there mostly were the women and their kids. We shared about true way for washing hands, smoking, and some of them were asking for their pain to Kang Dito. Yeah it was a great interraction I think.

The time was coming, it was a little bit sad, because we had to leave Resmi Tingal Village. Mrs. Toni and Mr. Toni prepared 3 boxes full of vegetables for Adin, Quin, and I. Mr. Toni brought the boxes  to the Village Hall, so that we can easily walked to the Village Hall without brought the boxes.
After the farewell event, we prayed dzuhur then entered the Angkot soon. We went back to 3 Bandung Senior High School. It was a tired activity, some of my friends and I felt aslept in the angkot. We arrived in 3 Bandung Senior High School 3 hours later. My parents took me home, they were shocked cause I brought a box full of vegetable.
Mrs. Toni still sending me SMS, so that we are not loose contact.
I hope I can come back to Resmi Tingal Village one day..

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